quinta-feira, 29 de abril de 2010

GSoC2010: Accepted!

ZooKeeper Failure Detector Model proposal accepted!

There was some press coverage over GSoC acceptance in my University:
http://bit.ly/c91XfW (In portuguese)

quinta-feira, 1 de abril de 2010

GSoC 2010: ZooKeeper Failure Detector Model

I was almost giving up on finding a GSoC project that really makes me say "Oh God, I really want to do that". However, a lab colleague told me ZooKeeper was looking for someone to abstract the failure detector model in their code and to implement a better-tuning failure detector.

After reading the issue in Apache issue tracker, I got conviced that it would be a very very interesting project to be done, since I have worked with similar things (also implemented in Java) in the OurGrid code.

This week I got in touch with Henry Robinson -- the possible mentor for this project -- and he pointed some classes to be given a first look in the ZooKeeper code.

Next step is to write the project proposal, I hope I get accepted =)

Is energy efficiency an issue of relevancy nowadays?

Can we improve map-reduce to save energy?

In our Research Fundamentals course we will investigate whether this is a relevant issue. If this investigation returns a positive response, we will do some experiments using Hadoop as described here.

How can we decide which is the most energy saving method? What metrics will we use? Where will we find an acceptable workload in order to do the experiments?

It seems a lot of questions will emerge...